Британські газети:
Financial Times - ft.com/intl/world/uk
Times - thetimes.co.uk/tto/news
Telegraph - telegraph.co.uk
the Guardian - guardian.co.uk
METRO - metro.co.uk/news
Mirror - mirror.co.uk
the Sun - thesun.co.uk
The SundayTimes - thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto
Американські газети:
The New York Times - nytimes.com
The Wall Street Journal - europe.wsj.com/home-page
The Washington Post - washingtonpost.com
Los Angeles Times - latimes.com
The New York Times - nytimes.com
The Wall Street Journal - europe.wsj.com/home-page
The Washington Post - washingtonpost.com
Los Angeles Times - latimes.com
USA Today - usatoday.com
New York Daily News - nydailynews.com
NewYork Post - nypost.com
Chicago Sun-Times - suntimes.com/index.html
Houston Chronicle - chron.com
Scholastic News — самая популярная газета новостей для детей.teacher.scholastic.com/scholasticnews/indepth/index.asp
USA Today - usatoday.com
New York Daily News - nydailynews.com
NewYork Post - nypost.com
Chicago Sun-Times - suntimes.com/index.html
Houston Chronicle - chron.com
Scholastic News — самая популярная газета новостей для детей.teacher.scholastic.com/scholasticnews/indepth/index.asp
Канадські газети:
National Post - nationalpost.com/index.html
The Vancouver Sun - vancouversun.com/index.html
Ottawa Citizen - ottawacitizen.com/index.html
Times Colonist - timescolonist.com/index.html
The Chronicle Herald - thechronicleherald.ca
Calgary Gerald - calgaryherald.com/index.html
Winniepeg Free Press - winnipegfreepress.com
National Post - nationalpost.com/index.html
The Vancouver Sun - vancouversun.com/index.html
Ottawa Citizen - ottawacitizen.com/index.html
Times Colonist - timescolonist.com/index.html
The Chronicle Herald - thechronicleherald.ca
Calgary Gerald - calgaryherald.com/index.html
Winniepeg Free Press - winnipegfreepress.com
Австралийські газети:
The Australian - theaustralian.com.au
The Sydney Morning Herald - smh.com.au
TheWestAustralian - au.news.yahoo.com/thewest
The Australian - theaustralian.com.au
The Sydney Morning Herald - smh.com.au
TheWestAustralian - au.news.yahoo.com/thewest
Новозеландські газети:
New Zealand Herald - nzherald.co.nz
Stuff - stuff.co.nz
Local Matters - localmatters.co.nz
Migrant News - migrantnews.co.nz
The National Business Review - nbr.co.nz
New Zealand Herald - nzherald.co.nz
Stuff - stuff.co.nz
Local Matters - localmatters.co.nz
Migrant News - migrantnews.co.nz
The National Business Review - nbr.co.nz
За матеріалами Daily Language School
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